Warriors speak the language of baseball

Members of the Southern Wesleyan University Baseball Team share ball-playing skills with Puerto Rican youngsters.
Gallery photos from left:
- Sean Stidfole, John Garrett, JJ Julian, Conner Ewing and a local resident work on a fence at a local baseball field.
- At San Juan
- Practicing with Puerto Rican youngsters
- Working on a community service project
Members of the Southern Wesleyan University Baseball Team, along with their coaches and baseball alumni Jonathan Lewis and Tony Ronco, traveled to Puerto Rico Jan. 4-10 to minister to and share baseball tips with Puerto Rican youngsters and work on community projects.
The team worked on a fence and backstop at a Puerto Rican baseball field and worked on housing projects at La Perla. They also handed out English and Spanish New Testaments to the Wesleyan Academy, the Wesleyan Church in Guaynabo, the Kids Center and to many residents of the La Perla Community. Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) provided the New Testaments. Mac Campbell, director of the Foothills Area FCA, traveled with the team as well. They also toured San Juan, Puerto Rico’s historic capital. This is the team’s second trip to the island.