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Teacher Endorsement Courses

Academics : School of Education : Teacher Endorsement Courses

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To enroll in graduate elective courses, please download and complete this registration form and follow its instructions.


2016 Schedule of Upcoming M.ED. Electives (PDF)


Elective coursework obtained at Southern Wesleyan University can assist education professionals as they seek to enhance their professional training. Electives are offered fully online and can be taken in addition to the MEDCL program or as stand-alone courses. Completion of the coursework could lead to:

  • An emphasis content area that could lead to an add-on endorsement for those professionals with a teaching certificate.
  • The additional coursework may allow an individual to teach at a technical college or four-year college or university as they have earned enough content emphasis credits with a Master's degree and the 18 graduate hours in the specific area.
  • Elective coursework could count toward bachelors plus 18 or a Master's plus 30.



The guidelines for renewing or adding an endorsement to your South Carolina Educator Licensure are established by the South Carolina Department of Education. Contact the South Carolina Department of Education for individual course requirements for licensure renewal and add-on endorsements. Licensure and renewal requirements may change due to changes made by the South Carolina Department of Education. It is the candidate’s responsibility to be aware of changes and his/her course needs.

Individuals from states other than South Carolina must contact their state department of education for audits of transcripts and course requirements unique to each state.

Content Area Electives

Literacy - Read to Succeed Endorsement Coursework

Learn more about the Read to Succeed courses at SWU

EDUC 5913 - R2S Foundations in Reading w/ Practicum

This is a R2S course designed to give an overview of reading and its curricular implications for Read to Succeed. Emphasis is placed on current theoretical and evidence-based foundations in place for the reading and writing processes and instruction. All participants will recognize theories in reading and writing; explain language and reading development; have knowledge and demonstrate understanding of proven strategies; exhibit affirmative dispositions related to their own reading and writing; and understand external influences on the policies regarding reading. The continued importance of professional learning and leadership as a career-long process is stressed. This course will emphasize the following SC Literacy Competencies for PreK-5th grade: Standard 1- Foundational Knowledge; 6- Professional Learning and Leadership. Includes a 12 hour practicum.

EDUC 5923 - R2S Assessment of Reading w/ Practicum

This is a R2S course designed to assist participants broaden and deepen their understanding of the reading and writing progression with assessment and evaluation of the reading and writing processes. Participants will have a repertoire of different types of assessments and their characteristics; formative and summative assessments and the administration and interpretation; the use of assessment information to plan, evaluate, and adapt instruction; and the communication of assessment results and implications to varied audiences. This course will emphasize the following SC Literacy Competencies for PreK-5th grade: Standard 3-Assessment of Reading. Includes a 12 hours practicum.

EDUC 5933 - R2S Instructional Practices w/ Practicum

This is a R2S course designed to demonstrate to participants instructional approaches and materials that will assist with implementing an integrated, comprehensive, and balanced curriculum to support student learning in reading and writing in K-5. The participants will be able to design and implement a complete and balanced curriculum while using content knowledge; implementing appropriate and a variety of instructional strategies; understanding the value of the K-5 student’s background and prior knowledge; making connections for reading and writing with other disciplines by integrating instruction; using a variety of texts and formats; organizing instructional time based on proven best strategies and scaffolding for both oral and written language; encouraging students’ communication by introducing and building vocabulary for K-5 students; encouraging fluency in reading through practice with varied texts. This course will emphasize the following SC Literacy Competencies for PreK-5th grade: Standard 2-Curriculum and Instruction. Includes a 12 hours practicum.


Also one of the following courses:

EDUC 5273 - Content Area Reading & Writing for Middle/Secondary w/ Practicum

This course is a R2S course designed so 6-12 teachers can acquire strategies to improve student reading comprehension and writing skills. Class members will participate in activities and strategies to help students be better able to read and understand information content area material and ideas and writing. This course will emphasize the following SC Literacy Competencies for Middle and Secondary: Standard 1: Foundational Knowledge; Standard 2 Curriculum and Instruction; Standard 3: Assessment and Evaluation; Standard 4- Diversity; Assessment 5-Literate Environment; Standard 6-Professional Learning and Leadership. Includes a 12 hour practicum.

EDUC 5283 - Content Area Reading & Writing for Early Childhood/Elementary w/ Practicum

This course is a R2S course designed so K-5 teachers can acquire strategies to improve student reading comprehension and writing skills. Class members will participate in activities and strategies to help students be better able to read and understand information content area material and ideas and writing. The participants will be able to recognize and build the instruction on the K-5 students’ cultural and linguistic diversity including special needs and dual language learners; be an advocate for impartiality; optimize the use of both print and digital media; support practices that foster reading; This course will emphasize the following SC Literacy Competencies for PreK-5th grade: Standard 4-Diversity; Assessment 5-Literate Environment; Standard 7-Dual Language Learners (English Language Learners). Includes a 12 hour practicum.


Learning Disabilities

EDSP 5113 - Introduction to Exceptional Learners

Introduces pre-service teachers to the diverse needs of exceptional children. Included in study will be characteristics of various exceptionalities, including but not limited to learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders, mental impairment, hearing impairment, visual impairment, gifted and talented, Autism, and other handicapping impairments including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The aim of the class is to provide information about laws and regulations governing special education, procedures and methods for teaching students with exceptionalities including the development and implementation of Individualized Educational Plans, and strategies for adapting curriculum and materials for students with exceptionalities in the regular classroom.

EDSP 5213 - Assessment of Exceptional Learners

Concepts and methods of assessment in special education with emphasis on administering, scoring, and interpreting standardized educational tests. Major topics covered are Response to Intervention, recent research on assessment practices, accommodations and modifications, the role of families in the assessment process, students with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, standardized instruments, curriculum based assessment, interpreting tests and writing reports, assessment of young children, and transition assessment.

EDSP 5233 - Characteristics of Learning Disabled

Designed to provide students, who are currently teaching or who plan to teach, with the knowledge and disposition to successfully provide service to individuals who have been identified as having learning disabilities. Students will explore the moral, ethical, legal, and practical foundations involved in the identification of and provision of services to an individual with learning disabilities with a specific focus on Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions. In addition, they will develop appreciation and respect for the opportunities and challenges faced by all stakeholders in an individual’s life and will be able to promote collaboration as an integral part of provision of services.

EDSP 5243 - Methods of Teaching Learning Disabled

This course is designed to provide knowledge of methods, materials, and current research related to instructing and improving outcomes for students with learning disabilities.

EDSP 5503 - Practicum in Special Education

This course provides practical experience in teaching students with exceptional learning needs in a special education setting under the supervision of university faculty and local mentor teachers. Students will complete a minimum of 30 hours of field experiences in a public school special education classroom. Prerequisites: EDSP 5233 Characteristics of Learning Disabilities and EDSP 5243 Methods of Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities.

EDUC 5293 - Behavior Management

This course examines research-supported techniques that teachers can use in working with learners in the general classroom and with exceptional learning needs and whose behavior interferes with their success. These students include children and adolescents with problems related to sustaining attention, hyperactivity, pragmatic language skills, aggression, and oppositional defiance. Participants will learn to: (1) differentiate problem behaviors through understanding potentially contributory factors; (2) develop age-appropriate interventions suitable for use in classroom and small-group settings; (3) develop and apply positive behavior plans and other data-driven decision-making techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions. An understanding of professional ethical guidelines, relevant state and federal laws and regulations, and the importance of developing students' self-management skills will also be emphasized.

EDUC 5273 - Teaching Content Area Reading and Writing in Schools (Part of MEDCL Core)

Diagnostic and remedial procedures in reading and writing as well as trends and issues in content area literacy will be discussed for struggling readers, English as a Second Language readers and special needs readers. Planning for literacy issues in various content area classrooms as well as diagnostic practices and recommendations are considered.


Gifted and Talented

EDUC 5553 - Nature and Needs of Gifted and Talented Students

An introduction to the field of gifted education including a history of gifted education, theories of intelligence, definitions of giftedness, methods of identification and a variety programming options in the conventional classroom/school setting. Practical aspects include the development of IEP’s, learning styles assessments, interest assessments, and management plans.

EDUC 5533 - Introduction to Curriculum and Instruction for Gifted and Talented Students

A study of the theoretical and practical aspects of curricular experiences for gifted and talented students. Examines instructional models, to encourage a critical understanding of how principles and practical procedures are set forth in teaching models.


Early Childhood Special Education

ECSP 5213 - Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education

This course is designed to provide a broad overview of the characteristics, assessment techniques, methods of intervention, natural environments, community and family resources, and current issues of children from birth to age eight with diverse abilities and disabilities. The focus is to increase the awareness and understanding of individual needs and strengths in an early childhood and after school setting.

ECSP 5223 - Partnerships in Early Childhood Special Education

This course is an examination of the developing special needs child in a historical and current societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school and community. The process of socialization and identity development will be highlighted, showing the importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families.

ECSP 5523 - Assessment of Young Children with Disabilities

This course applies critical and reflective thinking to observation and assessment of young children with disabilities development. It also prepares teachers of young children with disabilities to use observation, documentation, and interpretation strategies to improve program quality in early childhood settings.

ECSP 5613 - Procedures for Working with Young Children with Disabilities

Focuses on various developmental and individual needs of young children with disabilities as related to group settings, curriculum decisions, and the design of early learning environments. Emphasis is on current issues, the role of the caregiver (family and/or teacher), the process of guiding and teaching, and the facilitation of development and learning of young children who are culturally, linguistically, and ability diverse.

ECSP 5623 - Social/Emotional Development and Guidance for Young Children with Disabilities

This course focuses on guidance and discipline of young children with disabilities through examination of theories, research and practical application for teachers in early childhood special education classrooms and parents at home. The course includes strategies for understanding and responding to special need children's behavior in ways that are congruent with the core values of early childhood education. Concepts of guidance relating to typical and atypical development, culture, and environment will be presented. Developmental stages of children's behavior, positive guidance strategies and teaching social-emotional skills are included.

ECSP 5503 - Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education

This course provides practical experience in teaching early childhood students with exceptional learning needs under the supervision of university faculty and local mentor teachers. Students will complete a minimum of 36 hours of field experiences in a public school early childhood special education setting.

PSYC 5123 - Human Growth and Development (Required if student has not already taken course)

An introductory course to human growth and development from conception through the different life stages. Will emphasize physical growth, cognitive development, personality development, and social interactions.



2016 Schedule of Upcoming M.ED. Electives (PDF)



$1,000 per elective course (includes related technology fees and books/e-books)

Financial Aid

Students taking elective coursework are NOT eligible for Title IV federal aid, but it is possible that current MEDCL students could apply excess loan funds to cover elective coursework. For more information, please contact a Financial Aid representative:

  • Cami Miller - 864-644-5519 (last names A – K)
  • Kim Cotton - 864-644-5507 (last names L –Z)

How to Enroll

To enroll, please download and complete this registration form and follow its instructions.

For more information please contact Donna Pittman at  or 864-644-5536.