First, because we are still missional, unapologetically Christ Centered, and student focused. These anchors will never change.
Second, by giving to SWU, our donors directly impact the futures of students as they fulfill God’s plans for their lives. Forecasters predict that as many as 30 percent of private institutions of higher education will not survive this decade. Yet those serving a stable number of traditional-aged students, as well as a large non-traditional student enrollment, have a very bright future. Southern Wesleyan falls into this fortunate group. To ensure that we continue to flourish in a fast-growing, competitive market, we have prayerfully established solid, attainable goals:
- Enroll 5,000 students by 2022 (1,200 traditional students; 1,800 on-site adult and graduate students and 2,000 online adult and graduate students)
- Achieve 10 percent growth in annual revenues
- Increase in Promise Fund (annual fund) giving to $1,000,000
- Introduce new academic majors
- Expand our programs and learning center locations for adult learners
- Expand athletic and Student Life offerings
In addition to these goals, we must update our current facilities—some built many years ago—and build new ones to meet our growing student populations.